Telco Services

Rely on our expertise in sustaining your telecommunications

Our experienced certified BIT engineers and technical specialist can help throughout your project lifecycle – from design to installation to building management. We give advice on the jobsite, or help with the training, onsite testing and even with backup advice on the phone or online – all according to your business needs.

RF Network

RF Network can variedly be disturbed and only last year, 182 reports about RF interferences have been reported. With our extensive experience in GSM, UMTS, LTE, TETRA, DVB-H, and Wireless Broadband systems, we make sure your RF Network design, deployment and implementation can be more consistent. Our services include network optimization, supply of towers, and poles, indoor neutral host solutions, as well as a complete solution for operations worldwide.

Fixed Network

As Malaysia’s Internet penetration is now 85.7%, our fixed network engineers focus more to create efficient solutions for our customers in the areas of safety, reducing operation cost and improving productivity. We help you embrace accelerated network in: